
The EAABM is a Swiss non-profit organisation, with all members voluntarily contributing their time and expertise. The bylaws of the association are available here.

The work of the EAABM is organised into five committees, and members are welcome to participate in multiple committees. While each committee operates differently, all committees host a spotlight session once a year for all members to collaborate and share insights.

Committee chairs

Tools & industry

Klaus Nökel
“We want to narrow the gap between the effort and risk required for adopting activity-based models and the perceived benefits.”

Former Head of Development at PTV Group


Aruna Sivakumar
“Activity-based models are too powerful to only be applied in the transport community. Besides establishing pathways for practical transport applications, we want to highlight the interdisciplinary value of activity-based models also in energy and health.”

Director of Urban Systems Lab, Imperial College London


Gerry Casey
“We are faced with profound policy challenges, ranging from inequality in health and wellbeing to transport networks struggling to cope with demand and growing climate risk.

These policy challenges require data driven insights that challenge existing models and methods and activity based methods offer many advantages. They reframe human decision making in the context of the activities we seek to satisfy our needs and desires and are a powerful tool for policy makers making real-world decisions in ever more complex environments.

Ultimately, their usefulness is measured in how they enable better real-world practice.”

City Modelling Lab, Arup and Principal Research Fellow at CASA, UCL

Policy and Government

Nila Sari
“We need to improve the dissemination of knowledge and best practices on the successful development and implementation of activity-based models in real-world government project.

In addition, we should promote the availability and use of relevant data, emphasising the importance of data quality in modelling”

Department of Transport (DfT), United Kingdom
Principal Transport Modeller


Milos Balac
“To establish activity-based modelling in practice, we need to provide dedicated courses for university students and practitioners. In the teaching committee, we align forces to create the teaching-oriented knowledge base and to organise courses, summer schools, and workshops with the ultimate goal of fostering knowledge transfer.”

Senior Researcher, Center for Sustainable Mobility, ETH Zurich

Management & support


Peter Jones
“As an ambassador of EAABM, I am honoured to oversee the implementation of its vision in the various activities and represent the association externally”

Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development, University College London

Managing director

Alex Erath
“While the committees shape the association’s value, I help establish its structures and ensure smooth operations to achieve its mission and vision.”

Professor for Transport and Mobility, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland

Director of Urban Systems Lab, Imperial College London

Deputy managing director

Haitao He
“I aim to build a collaborative community, focussing on broadening the base of young professionals within the association and promoting opportunities for early career members.”

Director of Transport AI Innovation Center, Loughborough University

Communication & web

Michael van Eggermond
Senior Researcher, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland


Tim Hillel
Lecturer in Analystics of Instrastructure System, University College London